【三合一咖啡】大家都很熟悉,【三合一餐厅】你应该是第一次听过吧?我相信大家都很好奇到底什么是三合一餐厅,不想走宝的话就请跟随我一起去揭开Union Fashion Bar(UFB)的神秘面纱吧!
说了这么多还没正式介绍我所谓的三合一餐厅其实包含了烘焙咖啡厅(Bakery Cafe)、正式餐厅(Full Dining)以及酒吧(Bar)。UFB是新山首家拥有完善的一站式餐厅,让顾客们不必东奔西跑便能在同一家餐厅里享用不同层次的食物和饮料,绝对是个休闲聚餐的好去处。
介绍过了烘焙区,我们来看看主食。虽然餐点大多以西餐为主,UFB也不忘提供亚洲食物,让顾客们有更多的选择。西餐方面从前菜浓汤、扒类到意大利面应有尽有,而亚洲食物则以饭类为主。广泛的食物选择真让我不知如何下手,难以抉择的唯一方法就是要多光顾几次啦!基于马来西亚是个多元种族的国家,UFB是个"No Pork, No Lard"的餐厅,大家可以与友族同胞一起享用美食。
厌倦了吵杂的喝酒环境,想要静下来和朋友或家人小酌一番吗?那UFB酒吧一定非常适合你!UFB酒吧打破传统,这里没有High到爆的气氛,却有一丝丝温馨浪漫的氛围。这也看得出叶先生非常细心地打造出一个品尝酒的优良环境。除了鸡尾酒和红酒,他强调UFB也会推出冷压缩果汁(Cold Pressed Juice),是目前欧美最新的低温冷榨技术。通过这项技术,被挤压出的果汁能保留更高的营养成分,比起传统鲜榨果汁被氧化的几率更低,带给顾客更健康的选择。
I believe all of you definitely know what 3-in-1 coffee is, but have you heard of 3-in-1 restaurant? No? Let's follow me to explore the newly opened restaurant in Johor Bahru - Union Fashion Bar (UFB).
Aren't we talking about restaurant? Why Fashion? Here is the story... "Food is art. They need clothes and packaging to satisfy the curiosity of customers." Mr Yap Chern Chee, the founder of UFB has many years of experience in culinary industry. His concern not only to the taste of food, but the appearance and presentation of food. What I expect most is the changing theme of the restaurant from time to time. That is what Fashion about!
The so called 3-in-1 restaurant is actually a new concept which combine of bakery cafe, full dining and bar into one restaurant. It is definitely the coolest place in town where we can enjoy these three services just in one place.
First of all, let us look at the bakery cafe. Mr Yap is a pastry chef and has been trained in Paris. He always insist on using the best ingredient, providing the best quality of food to the customers. The bakery cafe of UFB includes handmade cakes, patisseries, croissant etc. Not forgetting to have a cup coffee when you are in UFB, the aroma of coffee will surely bring you back to this comfortable place.
Apart of bakery cafe, we now focus on the main course. Beside western food, UFB also provide Asian food. There are plenty of choices from appetizer to main course, and I believe you need to visit more to try out all their delicious food. As Malaysia is a multiracial country, UFB is a restaurant of "No Pork, No Lard".
If you are tired of the noisiness of bar, how about having a glass of wine at the romantic UFB? Mr Yap has created a very nice ambience place for beer and wine tasting. Besides cocktails and red wine, he mentioned about cold pressed juice. He wishes to give a healthier choice to customers where cold pressed juice keep more nutrition compared to the normal fruit juice.
"UFB is my personality, it represent my character- A middle age man trying to walk into the life of a youngster." UFB represents the life of Mr Yap. If you notice the signboard of UFB, you will see 1998 is a main point too. It is the year of Mr Yap step into the culinary industry, he decided to add the meaningful number to the signboard, and let the customers know more about him.
You may think that the 3-in-1 restaurant might be a bit weird but trust me, that is a creative idea of UFB to bring a brand new restaurant for you. It is definitely a place that you can't miss out.
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